Bellas cosas sublimes: la noble cabeza de O'Leary
mi padre en la escena del Abbey, ante una multitud furiosa:
"Esta tierra de santos...", y luego, al extinguirse los aplausos:
" santos de escayola", la hermosa cabeza malévola echada hacia atrás].
O'Grady, sin tenerse en pie, agarrándose a las mesas,
pronunciando elevadas palabras sin sentido ante un público borracho;
Augusta Gregory, sentada junto a su magnífica mesa de similor,
su octogésimo aniversario en ciernes: "Ayer me amenazó.
Le dije que aquí estoy todas las noches, se seis a siete,
con las persianas levantadas"; Maud Gonne en la estación de Howth,
esperando el tren,
con esa cabeza erguida y arrogante de Palas Atenea;
los dioses del Olimpo; algo que no se ha vuelto a ver.
W. B. Yeats (Traducción José Manuel Benítez Ariza)
Beautiful lofty things: O’Leary’s noble head;
My father upon the Abbey stage, before him a raging crowd:
‘This Land of Saints’, and then as the applause died out,
‘Of plaster Saints’; his beautiful mischievous head thrown back.
Standish O’Grady supporting himself between the tables
Speaking to a drunken audience high nonsensical words;
Augusta Gregory seated at her great ormolu table,
Her eightieth winter approaching: ‘Yesterday he threatened my life.
I told him that nightly from six to seven I sat at this table,
The blinds drawn up’; Maud Gonne at Howth station waiting a train,
Pallas Athene in that straight back and arrogant head:
All the Olympians; a thing never known again.

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