Con los años aprenden algo más casi todos:
a mí eso me interesa más bien poco
Gasté el segundo cuarto de siglo en olvidar
lo que había aprendido en la universidad,
y sin querer ponerme al tanto de lo nuevo,
no me suenan los nombres que aparecen impresos,
y hay quien juzga ofensivo
que haya olvidado algunas caras, algunos sitios,
Merecerá la pena, si al final, he logrado
eliminar aquello que está haciéndome daño.
Entonces no habrá nada que saber. Y mi mente
se plegará en sí misma. como el campo y la nieve.
(Traducción José Manuel Benítez Ariza)
Most people know more as they get older:
I give all that the cold shoulder.
I give all that the cold shoulder.
I spent my second quarter-century
Losing what I had learnt at university.
Losing what I had learnt at university.
And refusing to take in what had happened since.
Now I know none of the names in the public prints,
Now I know none of the names in the public prints,
And am starting to give offence by forgetting faces
And swearing I’ve never been in certain places.
And swearing I’ve never been in certain places.
It will be worth it, if in the end I manage
To blank out whatever it is that is doing the damage.
To blank out whatever it is that is doing the damage.
Then there will be nothing I know.
My mind will fold into itself, like fields, like snow.
My mind will fold into itself, like fields, like snow.

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